100 Most Common Spanish Adjectives

Have you heard of the word “bueno”? How about “buenos”, “buena”, or “buenas”?

Many beginners in Spanish might recognize these adjectives, all meaning “good”, but might not understand their distinct uses. In this article, we’re going to dive into the nuances of Spanish adjectives. This will enhance your ability to accurately describe nouns—such as people, places, objects, and concepts—and add flair to your spoken and written Spanish.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of over 100 adjectives below to enrich your communication skills. Additionally, you’ll learn about the rules of adjective placement and agreement in Spanish, ensuring you apply adjectives correctly in every instance.

Most commonly used Spanish adjectives

Below are categorized lists of commonly used Spanish adjectives, each accompanied by their English translations.

Spanish adjectives to describe a person (physical attributes)

Spanish English
bonito cute, pretty
hermoso handsome, beautiful
guapo attractive, handsome
bello very handsome, very beautiful
feo ugly
alto tall
bajo short
delgado thin
flaco skinny
corpulento heavyset
gordo fat
elegante elegant, fancy
bien vestido well-dressed
fuerte strong
débil weak

Spanish adjectives to describe a person (non-physical attributes)

Spanish English
inteligente intelligent
lindo nice
tonto dumb or silly
estúpido stupid (stronger than in English, an insult)
educado well-mannered
preparado educated
alegre good-natured, cheerful (with ser)
feliz happy
simpático nice, friendly
agradable pleasant, agreeable
triste sad
malhumorado grumpy
reservado reserved
tímido shy
accesible approachable
complicado complicated
amigable friendly
gruñón grumpy, mean
joven young
mayor elderly
viejo old
tacaño stingy
sincero sincere
rico rich
pobre poor
interesante interesting
aburrido boring
divertido fun, funny
flojo/perezoso lazy
responsable responsible
trabajador hardworking

Spanish adjectives to describe objects and places

Spanish English
bonito pretty, lovely, cute
hermoso beautiful
lindo pretty, cute, lovely, agreeable
feo ugly
bello lovely, beautiful
grande large
largo long
pequeño small
chico small
caro expensive
barato cheap
horrible horrible
maravilloso marvelous
impresionante impressive
espectacular spectacular
fantástico fantastic
excelente excellent
fácil easy
difícil difficult
típico typical

Colors in Spanish

Spanish English
rojo red
amarillo yellow
azul blue
anaranjado orange
verde green
morado purple
rosa pink
café, marrón brown
moreno brown-skinned
negro black
blanco white
gris gray

Nationalities in Spanish

Spanish English
norteamericano/estadounidense North American/American
canadiense Canadian
inglés English
irlandés Irish
chino Chinese
alemán German
francés French
italiano Italian
ruso Russian
coreano Korean
japonés Japanese
saudí, saudita Saudi Arabian
indio/hindú (East) Indian
mexicano Mexican
español Spanish
argentino Argentine
chileno Chilean
costarricense Costa Rican
puertorriqueño Puerto Rican
colombiano Colombian
guatemalteco Guatemalan
dominicano Dominican
brasileño Brazilian
ecuatoriano Ecuadoran
hondureño Honduran

Adjectives of goodness

Spanish English
bueno good
malo bad

Adjectives of quantity

Spanish English
mucho many, much, a lot of
poco little, few
otro other, another
cada each (does not change for masculine and feminine)
ambos both
bastante enough

General rules: How to use Spanish adjectives correctly

Using adjectives for the first time in conversation or writing? There are two key rules you’ll need to remember to use them the right way. These rules apply to the vast majority of adjectives you’ll encounter! Let’s dive in so you can start using them in no time.

1. Place adjectives before nouns

Unlike English, most adjectives in Spanish go after the noun. If we are talking about an attractive man, we’d say:

  • un hombre guapo = a handsome man

There are a few exceptions to this rule, but for now just remember to place the adjective after the thing you’re describing.

2. Change the ending to match noun gender and number

In Spanish, all nouns are gendered (masculine/feminine), which means the parts of speech that modify them—both adjectives and articles—are often altered to agree with that gender. Adjectives and articles must also agree in number (singular/plural).

Let’s take a look at the examples below:

  • un hombre guapo = a handsome man
  • unas mujeres guapas = pretty women

See how everything matches? Hombre, which is a masculine noun, is modified by guapo, an adjective in masculine, singular form. Mujeres, which is a feminine noun, is modified by guapas, an adjective in feminine, plural form.

Most adjectives will end in o for their masculine form and a for their feminine form:

  • un gato divertido = a fun male cat
  • una gata divertida = a fun female cat

Note: Adjectives will usually be listed in a dictionary with only the masculine form or with their feminine variant listed second (divertido, da). 

Understanding the exceptions: How to use Spanish adjectives correctly

As with all language rules, there are exceptions. We’ll break them down by adjective type.

Using nationalities as adjectives

Adjectives for nationalities are not capitalized in Spanish. For those ending in a consonant, you add the a for the feminine form:

  • un niño japonés = a Japanese boy
  • una niña japonesa = a Japanese girl

Notice that in the feminine form it has no accent.

Using adjectives that end in -or-ón-án, and -ín…

For adjectives that end in -or-ón-án, or -ín, also add an a and drop the accent if the masculine form has one:

  • un hombre trabajador = a hardworking man
  • una mujer trabajadora = a Japanese girl
  • un hombre gruñón = a grumpy man
  • una mujer gruñona = a grumpy woman

Using adjectives with unchangeable endings

Some adjectives have endings that don’t change. These are the ones that do not end in o or a, and they are the same for masculine or feminine singular nouns:

  • un hombre inteligente = an intelligent man
  • una mujer inteligente = an intelligent woman

Using bueno and malo

There are two commonly used masculine adjectives—bueno and malo—that drop the o when they’re before a masculine singular noun, for example:

  • un buen muchacho = a good young man
  • un mal hombre = a bad man

These adjectives can also follow the noun, as in es un muchacho bueno (he is a good young man). Be warned, though, that it’s not common to say it this way, and it’s far less impactful.

Using adjectives of quantity

The adjectives of quantity generally go before the noun.

  • Tengo mucho dinero. = I have a lot of money.
  • Es otro problema. = It is another problem.

Using adjectives with the verb ser

As in English, adjectives can follow the verb “to be”—ser. However, they must agree in number and gender:

  • María es interesante. = Maria is interesting.
  • Javier y Edgar son interesantes. = Javier and Edgar are interesting.

Using adjectives with definitive articles

In some cases, adjectives can function as nouns when paired with a definitive article, which include el, la, lo, los, and las.

  • la bella = the beautiful one; the beautiful woman
  • el flaco = the skinny one; the skinny man
  • la roja = the red one (feminine noun)
  • el verde = the green one (masculine noun)
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