Days of the Week, Months of the Year, and Seasons

Understanding how to discuss time — including the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons — is fundamental in any language. This lesson will help you learn these essential elements in Spanish, providing a solid foundation for planning activities, making appointments, and discussing events.

Days of the Week (Días de la semana)

In Spanish, the week starts on Monday, not Sunday. Here are the days:

  • Lunes (Monday)
  • Martes (Tuesday)
  • Miércoles (Wednesday)
  • Jueves (Thursday)
  • Viernes (Friday)
  • Sábado (Saturday)
  • Domingo (Sunday)

Note: Days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish unless they start a sentence.

Months of the Year (Meses del año)

Just like the days of the week, months in Spanish are not capitalized. Here they are:

  • Enero (January)
  • Febrero (February)
  • Marzo (March)
  • Abril (April)
  • Mayo (May)
  • Junio (June)
  • Julio (July)
  • Agosto (August)
  • Septiembre (September)
  • Octubre (October)
  • Noviembre (November)
  • Diciembre (December)

Seasons of the Year (Estaciones del año)

Seasons in Spanish are also lowercase and are as follows:

  • Primavera (Spring)
  • Verano (Summer)
  • Otoño (Autumn/Fall)
  • Invierno (Winter)

Use in Sentences:

  • ¿Qué día es hoy? (What day is today?)
  • Hoy es lunes. (Today is Monday.)
  • Estamos en mayo. (We are in May.)
  • Me gusta el verano. (I like summer.)

Key Points:

  1. When discussing the date, Spanish speakers typically use the format: day + month (e.g., “Es el 5 de marzo” – It’s March 5th).
  2. To ask “When?” in Spanish, you can say “¿Cuándo?” Using this, you could ask, “¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?” (When is your birthday?)
  3. Remember, while discussing seasons, talk about weather conditions or typical activities, e.g., “En el invierno, hace mucho frío.” (In winter, it is very cold.)
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