Cardinal Numbers – Números Cardinales

Lesson: Cardinal Numbers in Spanish

Introduction to Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers in Spanish, or “números cardinales,” are used to express quantity or count. They are fundamental in any language, including Spanish, as they allow us to quantify objects, people, and concepts in our daily lives.

Importance of Cardinal Numbers

  1. Daily Conversations: From stating your age to mentioning how many items you want to buy, cardinal numbers are essential in everyday speech.
  2. Time-Telling: They are crucial for telling time, an important aspect of daily communication.
  3. Mathematical Operations: Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) rely on cardinal numbers.
  4. Dates and Years: Expressing dates and years in Spanish requires the use of cardinal numbers.
  5. Making Transactions: Whether you’re shopping, dining out, or doing business, numbers are key for transactions.
  6. Understanding Quantities: They help in understanding and communicating the quantity of anything, from ingredients in a recipe to the number of people in a group.
  7. Daily Life: Numbers are used daily for transactions, scheduling, and more.
  8. Travel: Essential for understanding prices, addresses, and transportation schedules.
  9. Cultural Understanding: Numbers are often used in local expressions and sayings.
  10. Education and Professional Settings: Understanding numbers is crucial in academic and work-related situations.

Basic Cardinal Numbers: 1-10

  • 1: Uno (Un/Una before a noun, depending on gender)
  • 2: Dos
  • 3: Tres
  • 4: Cuatro
  • 5: Cinco
  • 6: Seis
  • 7: Siete
  • 8: Ocho
  • 9: Nueve
  • 10: Diez

Examples in Sentences

  1. Uno: Tengo un hermano. (masculine: I have one brother.) Tengo una hermana. (Feminine: I have one sister)
  2. Dos: Compré dos manzanas. (I bought two apples.)
  3. Tres: Ella tiene tres perros. (She has three dogs.)
  4. Cuatro: Hay cuatro sillas en la sala. (There are four chairs in the living room.)
  5. Cinco: Necesito cinco minutos más. (I need five more minutes.)

Numbers 1-50

# English Spanish # English Spanish
1 One Uno 26 Twenty-six Veintiséis
2 Two Dos 27 Twenty-seven Veintisiete
3 Three Tres 28 Twenty-eight Veintiocho
4 Four Cuatro 29 Twenty-nine Veintinueve
5 Five Cinco 30 Thirty Treinta
6 Six Seis 31 Thirty-one Treinta y uno
7 Seven Siete 32 Thirty-two Treinta y dos
8 Eight Ocho 33 Thirty-three Treinta y tres
9 Nine Nueve 34 Thirty-four Treinta y cuatro
10 Ten Diez 35 Thirty-five Treinta y cinco
11 Eleven Once 36 Thirty-six Treinta y seis
12 Twelve Doce 37 Thirty-seven Treinta y siete
13 Thirteen Trece 38 Thirty-eight Treinta y ocho
14 Fourteen Catorce 39 Thirty-nine Treinta y nueve
15 Fifteen Quince 40 Forty Cuarenta
16 Sixteen Dieciséis 41 Forty-one Cuarenta y uno
17 Seventeen Diecisiete 42 Forty-two Cuarenta y dos
18 Eighteen Dieciocho 43 Forty-three Cuarenta y tres
19 Nineteen Diecinueve 44 Forty-four Cuarenta y cuatro
20 Twenty Veinte 45 Forty-five Cuarenta y cinco
21 Twenty-one Veintiuno 46 Forty-six Cuarenta y seis
22 Twenty-two Veintidós 47 Forty-seven Cuarenta y siete
23 Twenty-three Veintitrés 48 Forty-eight Cuarenta y ocho
24 Twenty-four Veinticuatro 49 Forty-nine Cuarenta y nueve
25 Twenty-five Veinticinco 50 Fifty Cincuenta

Numbers 51-100

# English Spanish # English Spanish
51 Fifty-one Cincuenta y uno 76 Seventy-six Setenta y seis
52 Fifty-two Cincuenta y dos 77 Seventy-seven Setenta y siete
53 Fifty-three Cincuenta y tres 78 Seventy-eight Setenta y ocho
54 Fifty-four Cincuenta y cuatro 79 Seventy-nine Setenta y nueve
55 Fifty-five Cincuenta y cinco 80 Eighty Ochenta
56 Fifty-six Cincuenta y seis 81 Eighty-one Ochenta y uno
57 Fifty-seven Cincuenta y siete 82 Eighty-two Ochenta y dos
58 Fifty-eight Cincuenta y ocho 83 Eighty-three Ochenta y tres
59 Fifty-nine Cincuenta y nueve 84 Eighty-four Ochenta y cuatro
60 Sixty Sesenta 85 Eighty-five Ochenta y cinco
61 Sixty-one Sesenta y uno 86 Eighty-six Ochenta y seis
62 Sixty-two Sesenta y dos 87 Eighty-seven Ochenta y siete
63 Sixty-three Sesenta y tres 88 Eighty-eight Ochenta y ocho
64 Sixty-four Sesenta y cuatro 89 Eighty-nine Ochenta y nueve
65 Sixty-five Sesenta y cinco 90 Ninety Noventa
66 Sixty-six Sesenta y seis 91 Ninety-one Noventa y uno
67 Sixty-seven Sesenta y siete 92 Ninety-two Noventa y dos
68 Sixty-eight Sesenta y ocho 93 Ninety-three Noventa y tres
69 Sixty-nine Sesenta y nueve 94 Ninety-four Noventa y cuatro
70 Seventy Setenta 95 Ninety-five Noventa y cinco
71 Seventy-one Setenta y uno 96 Ninety-six Noventa y seis
72 Seventy-two Setenta y dos 97 Ninety-seven Noventa y siete
73 Seventy-three Setenta y tres 98 Ninety-eight Noventa y ocho
74 Seventy-four Setenta y cuatro 99 Ninety-nine Noventa y nueve
75 Seventy-five Setenta y cinco 100 One hundred Cien

Larger Numbers

  • 100: Cien/Ciento
  • 200: Doscientos
  • 300: Trescientos
  • 1,000: Mil
  • 10,000: Diez mil
  • 100,000: Cien mil
  • 1,000,000: Un millón

Practice Tips

  1. Count Aloud: Practice counting from 1 to 100 aloud.
  2. Math in Spanish: Do basic arithmetic using Spanish numbers.
  3. Use in Context: Incorporate numbers into your daily Spanish practice, like setting alarms or during shopping.

Understanding and using cardinal numbers in Spanish is vital for effective communication in everyday life. They are foundational to expressing quantities, performing daily activities, and engaging in basic interactions.

Mastering numbers in Spanish will enhance your fluency and confidence in the language. They are essential for everyday interactions and understanding, so regular practice is key to becoming comfortable with using numbers in Spanish. Learning them not only improves your language skills but also enhances your ability to navigate various situations where numbers are involved.

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