300 Most Common Sight-Words

It is important to use sight words for many reasons, mainly because most children have working knowledge of these words already, they use them in their daily speech, and they hear them often. For many of these words, the meanings won’t have to be taught as the children inherently know what they mean. Thus sight words are used to teach reading since the words are used in about 50-75% of the reading materials for that particular age range. It is of the opinion that a reader who masters these words is more apt to become accurate, fluent, confident, and a successful reader.

Es importante usar palabras de uso frecuente por muchas razones, principalmente porque la mayoría de los niños ya tienen un conocimiento práctico de estas palabras, las usan en su habla diaria y las escuchan con frecuencia. Para muchas de estas palabras, los significados no tendrán que ser enseñados ya que los niños saben inherentemente lo que significan. Por lo tanto, las palabras de uso frecuente se utilizan para enseñar a leer, ya que las palabras se utilizan en aproximadamente el 50-75% de los materiales de lectura para ese rango de edad en particular. Es de la opinión que el lector que dominan estas palabras es más propenso a convertirse en lector preciso, fluido, exitoso y seguro de si mismo.

What are Sight-Words? – ¿Qué son las palabras de vista?

Sight words, i.e., high-frequency words, are the most commonly used words (making up about 50-75% of words in beginning reading materials) that readers are taught to memorize by sight so they can instantly recognize the words when seen in print without trying to use other decoding strategies. Since many sight words can’t be sounded out with phonics or have unusual spelling patterns, teaching recognition of these words increases reading fluency and comprehension. There are many different sight word lists broken into levels with overlapping words and vary according to geographical location, empirical data, samples used, and year of publication.

Sight words are words, like come, does, or who, that don’t follow the rules of spelling or the six types of syllables. These words have to be memorized because decoding them is really difficult. Students are taught to memorize them as a whole, by sight, so that they can recognize them immediately (within three seconds) and read them without having to use decoding skills.

Las palabras reconocibles a la vista, es decir, las palabras de alta frecuencia, son las palabras más utilizadas (que constituyen aproximadamente el 50-75 % de las palabras en los materiales de lectura para principiantes) que se les enseña a los lectores a memorizar a simple vista para que puedan reconocer instantáneamente las palabras cuando las ven impresas. sin tratar de utilizar otras estrategias de decodificación. Dado que muchas palabras de uso frecuente no se pueden pronunciar con fonética o tienen patrones de ortografía inusuales, enseñar el reconocimiento de estas palabras aumenta la fluidez y la comprensión de la lectura. Hay muchas listas diferentes de palabras a la vista divididas en niveles con palabras superpuestas y varían según la ubicación geográfica, los datos empíricos, las muestras utilizadas y el año de publicación.

Las palabras de uso frecuente son palabras, como come, does o who, que no siguen las reglas de ortografía o los seis tipos de sílabas. Estas palabras tienen que ser memorizadas porque decodificarlas es realmente difícil. A los estudiantes se les enseña a memorizarlos como un todo, a simple vista, para que puedan reconocerlos inmediatamente (en tres segundos) y leerlos sin tener que usar habilidades de decodificación.


1. the 37. when 73. write 109. year 145. also
2. of 38. your 74. go 110. live 146. around
3. and 39. can 75. see 111. me 147. farm
4. a 40. said 76. number 112. back 148. three
5. to 41. there 77. no 113. give 149. small
6. in 42. use 78. way 114. most 150. set
7. is 43. an 79. could 115. very 151. put
8. you 44. each 80. people 116. after 152. end
9. that 45. which 81. my 117. thing 153. does
10. it 46. she 82. than 118. our 154. another
11. he 47. do 83. first 119. just 155. well
12. was 48. how 84. water 120. name 156. large
13. for 49. their 85. been 121. good 157. must
14. on 50. if 86. call 122. sentence 158. big
15. are 51. will 87. who 123. man 159. even
16. as 52. up 88. oil 124. think 160. such
17. with 53. other 89. now 125. say 161. because
18. his 54. about 90. find 126. great 162. turn
19. they 55. out 91. long 127. where 163. here
20. I 56. many 92. down 128. help 164. why
21. at 57. then 93. day 129. through 165. ask
22. be 58. them 94. did 130. much 166. went
23. this 59. these 95. get 131. before 167. men
24. have 60. so 96. come 132. line 168. read
25. from 61. some 97. made 133. right 169. need
26. or 62. her 98. may 134. too 170. land
27. one 63. would 99. part 135. mean 171. different
28. had 64. make 100. over 136. old 172. home
29. by 65. like 101. new 137. any 173. us
30. word 66. him 102. sound 138. same 174. move
31. but 67. into 103. take 139. tell 175. try
32. not 68. time 104. only 140. boy 176. kind
33. what 69. has 105. little 141. follow 177. hand
34. all 70. look 106. work 142. came 178. picture
35. were 71. two 107. know 143. want 179. again
36. we 72. more 108. place 144. show 180. change


181. off 205. between 229. while 253. side 277. enough
182. play 206. own 230. along 254. feet 278. eat
183. spell 207. below 231. might 255. car 279. face
184. air 208. country 232. close 256. mile 280. watch
185. away 209. plant 233. something 257. night 281. far
186. animal 210. last 234. seem 258. walk 282. Indian
187. house 211. school 235. next 259. white 283. real
188. point 212. father 236. hard 260. sea 284. almost
189. page 213. keep 237. open 261. began 285. let
190. letter 214. tree 238. example 262. grow 286. above
191. mother 215. never 239. begin 263. took 287. girl
192. answer 216. start 240. life 264. river 288. sometimes
193. found 217. city 241. always 265. four 289. mountain
194. study 218. earth 242. those 266. carry 290. cut
195. still 219. eye 243. both 267. state 291. young
196. learn 220. light 244. paper 268. once 292. talk
197. should 221. thought 245. together 269. book 293. soon
198. America 222. head 246. got 270. hear 294. list
199. world 223. under 247. group 271. stop 295. song
200. high 224. story 248. often 272. without 296. being
201. every 225. saw 249. run 273. second 297. leave
202. near 226. left 250. important 274. late 298. family
203. add 227. don’t 251. until 275. miss 299. it’s
204. food 228. few 252. children 276. idea 300. afternoon


Daily repetition is important. It is also important to practice constantly as everyone learns at a different rate. Introduce to yourself 1-3 words at a time and provide generous practice (saying the word, spelling the word, playing games with the word, writing the word, etc.) before adding more words. Then continue to review the “learned words” each day as new words are introduced. Before you know it, you will have mastered the sight words for the required level and you will be well on your way to an increased level of independent reading!


La repetición diaria es importante. También es importante practicar constantemente ya que cada uno aprende a un ritmo diferente. Preséntese de 1 a 3 palabras a la vez y practique generosamente (decir la palabra, deletrear la palabra, jugar con la palabra, escribir la palabra, etc.) antes de agregar más palabras. Luego continúe repasando las “palabras aprendidas” cada día a medida que se introducen nuevas palabras. ¡Antes de que se dé cuenta, habrá dominado las palabras de uso frecuente para el nivel requerido y estará bien encaminado hacia un mayor nivel de lectura independiente!